Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Books of My Life

The Books of My Life

My Favorite Childhood Book:

My Favorite Childhood Book is If you give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Joffe Numeroff. The book is about a young boy giving a mouse a cookie. The mouse asks if he could have a glass of milk with it. Then the mouse asks if the boy will read him a story. This is my favorite childhood book because i was so little and it made me laugh.

My favorite Beach Read:

My favorite beach read was Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick. The book is about a man named pat and he is goes in a mental hospital because he goes crazy when he finds out that Nikki his wife cheated on him. He meets Tiffany who is Nikki's friend. Pat and Tiffany dance together and they practice everyday. Pat is still in love with Nikki and is trying everything he can to get her back. 

My Favorite book read in school:

My favorite book i read in school is Night by Elie Wiesel. Night is about a Nazi Death Camp and  a little Jewish boy named Elie Wiesel witnesses the death of his family. This is my favorite book that I read in school because I enjoy reading books about the holocaust. I like reading holocaust books because they usually tell someones own experience with the holocaust. I find it interesting reading about everyone life experience because they are all different.

Book that made me laugh:

The book that made me laugh was The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. The book is about a teenage girl named Hazel Grace and she is a cancer patient. She is forced by her parents to go to a support group and at the support group she meets Augustus Waters. Hazel and Augustus fall in love. Augustus and Hazel try and spend all the time in the world together because they do not know how much time they have left together. This book made me laugh and it also made me cry.

Book that made me Cry:

The book that made me cry is the Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. This book made is about a not so wealthy man named Noah meets a wealthy girl named Allie and they fall in love. They spend the summer together and Noah loved Allie like no other girl. Allie left and she met someone else. Noah wrote her letters every single day for one year and Allie never responded. Allie goes back and sees Noah and they fall in love again. This book made me cry because it is such a love story and I love reading Romance novels. 

Book that I would recommend to friends:

The book that i would recommend to friends would be The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. The Last song is about a family and the parents are divorced and the kids Ronnie and Jonah have to go to North Carolina and spend the summer with the father. Ronnie does not want to go and is miserable for the first couple of days. Ronnie then meets Will and they fall in love. I would recommend this book to friends if you like reading in the Romance genre. 


  1. I haven't read The Last Song but i know i should. Its one of my favorite movies and if you would recommend it i would most likely love it. The movie is so sad but such a good movie and thinking about it, it is probably an even better book. Another book that i have never read is the Notebook. I like reading books and feeling emotions because i get into the book more. I also loved this movie and could watch it over and over again. I heard the book was much better than the movie so i would most likely love reading it. Also, i read the Fault in Our Stars and it was amazing. I loved this book because it was upsetting but also made me laugh. The couple in the book is unbelievably adorable and its so sad that they both have cancer. Its also one of the best books i have ever read.

  2. I remember reading all of these books. When I was younger, I always used to read If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. I loved that one. Silver Linings was really good, too. That book is definitely one of my favorites. It has a little bit of everything; there's conflict, an underlying romance, sports, and family. I really liked the movie, too. Night was one of my favorite books that we have read in school. It was sad, but I found it very interesting. That was one of the first novels that I have read on the Holocaust. The Fault in Our Stars has to be one of my favorite books of all time. Although it was really sad, it was funny, too. Augustus Waters was unlike any other character that I have read about before. If you didn't see the movie yet, you really should! I read the Notebook a few years ago, and I remember that I liked the movie better than the book. I think I am going to have to read it again because I do not remember why I liked the movie better. The Last Song was a really good book as well. I read that one in seventh grade for an assignment. I enjoy Nicholas Sparks as a writer overall.

  3. I have read 4 of the 6 books on this list of books you have given. I have read If You Give A Mouse A Cookie, which is one of my favorite childhood books. I remember reading it with my mom and thinking it was so funny a boy brought a pet mouse to school and gave him cookies. Who knew mice liked cookies?
    I have never read SIlver Linings Playbook but I have seen the movie. I absolutely love Jennifer Lawrence, she is one of my favorite actresses. I also love Bradley Cooper and find him to be so attractive haha. I wasn't too thrilled with the movie when I saw it. I thought it was kind of boring. Is the book different from the movie? Maybe I will have to read it this summer, on the beach since it is your favorite beach read.
    My favorite book in school Junior Year was Night as well. It was so sad. I like reading books about the Holocaust because I find them so interesting and I am glad this is one I got to read.
    I loved The Fault in Our Stars. It is one of m,y favorite books. I love Augustus and Hazel, they truly are the perfect couple. John Green is hysterical. This book made me laugh and also cry and I am so glad I got to read it.
    Finally, I never read The Notebook but I saw the movie. I cry every single time I watch the movie. The ending gets me every time. I love the love story between Allie and Noah. I have read and saw the film version of The Last Song. I would also recommend this to friends as well. It is a great love story and has a great plot line. I don't read Nicholas Sparks a lot but this is my favorite novel written by him.
    All of these books are great and you have given me two more options to consider reading. Thank you and Happy Reading.
